Try the Challenge Just Posted on the New Site

Go to and try it!

(This old site will remain for a while, but the new site is starting to work much better. Hope to see you there!)

5 responses to “Try the Challenge Just Posted on the New Site

  1. I’m afraid I may be lost. I hope to get it sorted out soon. I’ve been having trouble navigating beyond my old WordPress page. So, fingers crossed!

  2. Does anyone know if Ann is OK? There’s been no activity on either site in a very long time.

  3. Hi, Gary. I’m okay. I’m just not blogging these days. Part of the problem is that I tried putting together a “better” blog site, and it’s only been trouble. I get a lot of postings from people selling things or speaking Chinese. Discouraging.

    I did put the Beginning Writer’s Workshop back up as an online course, but through a platform called GrammarLion rather than Ed2Go. I don’t do any of the teaching/responding, but it’s the same content as it used to be.

    I’m also working on a new novel. It’s weird because I have to keep telling myself all the things I always told people in class. Keep going. First drafts are lousy and that’s okay. It’s during multiple revisions that the good stuff begins to appear. Yes, it’s hard to keep the faith!

    What are you up to? Writing anything?

  4. I’m very glad to hear you’re well and working on a new novel. As for me, I recently took a job in Israel translating Gnostic texts from the original Aramaic into English. A defective rocket (you can’t buy rockets on the black market and expect every one to be good) recently opened the entrance to a cave containing a treasure trove of 2000 year-old scrolls. The press release is pending verification, but it turns out that the Little Drummer Boy (of rum-pah-pum-pum fame) wasn’t so little after all. In fact, he played the entire drum solo from an ancient song called “In The Garden Of Eden,” which was later Anglicized to “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida,” for a new-born baby in Bethlehem on Christmas day in the year zero. Like I say, this will require verification, but it certainly seems legit. Big news if it turns out to be true. Anyway Ann, a happy and healthy holiday season to you and yours and the best of luck with all your writing projects.

  5. Hi Ann, I miss playing with all the ole gang. Jeff Switt

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